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’Old Truths and New Cliches’ Review: Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Lost Essays

’Old Truths and New Cliches’ Review: Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Lost Essays

The legendary fabulist and short-story writer also left readers these meditations on the human and the divine.

By Benjamin Balint

‘A Yiddish writer in America is an unseen entity,” Isaac Bashevis Singer once wrote, “almost a ghost.” He offered this comment to explain why he felt inclined in his fables and fictions “to search for what is hidden from the eye.”

It could be said that an important dimension of the acclaimed Yiddish novelist and short-story writer has until now been hidden from the eye of many readers. “Old Truths and New Clichés,” a collection of 19 prose articles, most appearing in English for the first time, reveals that Singer was as consummate an essayist as he was a teller of tales. “To this day,” David Stromberg writes in his intelligent introduction, “few critics deal seriously with Singer’s essayistic writings.”

Read the full article here.

Aaron Nagel